Monday, December 26, 2011

Decorating on the Cheap

!±8± Decorating on the Cheap

Are you stuck in a rut, living with the same old look you've had for the past umpteen years? Does your room lack the style, excitement and flair you desire? If you'd like to change the look and ambiance of your room but feel that it would be too cost prohibitive; here are some ideas that can help.

First, assess the purpose you wish for the room and decide what furnishings and accessories are needed to best accomplish that designation. Let's say, for instance, that we're updating a family room ( Obviously, the number one priority for the room would be a suitable television. Hopefully, that's something you already own because T.V.'s are a big ticket item and the purchase of a nice one can blow the budget in a hurry. Decide what other items would best compliment this room.

One of the most effective and least expensive ways to change a room is paint. Paint is affordable and can easily set the kind of backdrop from which you can begin to make other changes, starting with the floor covering. This is another area where a small amount of investment can bring about a huge change. Whether you presently have hard surface flooring (tile, wood, cement, etc.) or wall to wall carpeting, either look can be updated with the addition of terrific area rugs. We all know that beautiful rugs can cost into the thousands of dollars, but grreat looking ones can also be purchased at chain stores like Pier I, Ikea, even T.J. Maxx, very inexpensively. In one family room that I recently updated, I added a 0.00 zebra print rug which completely changed the look and feel of the room. It instantly changed the dull, lifeless feel of the room to one that was more interesting and earthy, and also provided a great direction for me to go with the other accessories that I later added.

With the paint color and floor coverings in place, it's time to start acquiring what I call the "personality pieces for your room; throw pillows, green plants, pottery and wall decor. Each of these items can be found at very reasonable prices and will add immeasurable charm and personality to your room. Take note, also, of pieces currently taking up space in other areas of your home that might find a much more suitable home in your "new" room. For instance, a comfortable but neglected old chair can take on new life with a zesty throw draped across the back along with one or two eye-catching throw pillows.

A word about green plants. In my opinion, green plants are essential part of a beautiful and livable room, but if you absolutely can't be bothered with the worry of their care; nice silk plants are an acceptable substitute. Just stay away from the really cheap and fake looking ones. Decent ones can be found at affordable prices at many stores.

Pottery can be the jewel in a room. You can find inexpensive pieces at some of the chain stores mentioned earlier which can add warmth and energy to an area that is hard to achieve in any other way. Mirrors are another terrific choice when accessorizing. They visually expand space and reflect light and can cost very little.

Now that you have all the necessary ingredients for your room; be willing to experiment. Move the furnishings around and change the pillows and wall decor until you're satisfied. You'll know when you finally get it just right. What a joy it is to step into a room that is perfect for it's intended use and that looks terrific in the process. And just think, you don't have to pay a decorator big bucks to achieve this look, you can do it yourself. Happy Decorating!

Decorating on the Cheap

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Home Reserve Sofa from the arena up

This beats lugging a sofa up to the 2nd floor any day, and as you'll see, Knut is pretty happy with it also. Putting it together is as simple as it looks. It's really comfortable. It's really sturdy. There's storage space under the cushions. You can choose from loads of fabrics and colors. The fabric on this sofa is machine washable. It's a great sofa.

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Friday, December 16, 2011

Make a Messenger Bag Out of Trash Bags!

In this podcast you'll learn how to fuse plastic together and then make a bag out of it! All you need is an iron, plastic bags, sewing machine, and some straps and buckles.

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Saturday, December 3, 2011

How to Prevent Kitchen Chairs From Scratching Hardwood Floors

!±8± How to Prevent Kitchen Chairs From Scratching Hardwood Floors

If you are reading this article you have probably installed a new hardwood floor into your kitchen, or are looking to protect the floor you already have from being scratched or torn by your kitchen chairs. This article is going to tell you how to stop kitchen chairs from scratching hardwood floors.

One of the things you can do is to make chair leg covers for the very bottom of the legs. By putting leg covers on the bottom of the chairs legs you will be able to make sure the chairs do not scratch the hardwood floors. A pincushion is an example of a leg cover you could use.

If you cut the tops off of four pincushions, remove the stuffing, and hem the edges back together, you are able to put them on the bottom of the chairs. place the elastic next to the edge of the fabric to make it tight around the chair you just need to stitch a narrow piece of elastic around the top edge.

Other things that you can use to cover the bottom of the chair legs are hacky-sack balls, small doll pillows, or even tennis balls. All you have to do is cut a small portion off of the top of each of these items and slide them into the leg.

If you are a more crafty person you are able to make your own chair leg covers. All you are going to need is a small piece of a heavy fabric like felt, denim, or faux fur. You will need to cut a 4" diameter circle to begin with. Take the circle and hem it by folding the fabric under a quarter of an inch twice and stitch around the hem. Place an 8" elastic strip next to the edge of the hem and stitch around it.

You probably are trying to make the leg covers not noticeable and you probably think an elastic strip is going to stand out. The way to prevent the elastic from standing out is to hide it within the hem. The way to do this is before you sew the hem place the elastic next to the edge of the fabric. You will need to fold the fabric slightly over the elastic. This makes the sewing more difficult, but hides the elastic.

Chair leg covers are the best way to stop kitchen chairs from scratching hardwood floors. This article has given you some of the many ways to make chair leg covers to place over your chair legs. If you follow these ways you will be on your way to enjoying your hardwood floors without having to worry about scratching them.

How to Prevent Kitchen Chairs From Scratching Hardwood Floors

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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Replace Your Playpen With Infant Room Dividers

!±8± Replace Your Playpen With Infant Room Dividers

Infant room dividers are one of the fastest growing dividers on the market. Many parents are choosing to protect their baby or toddler with these because they can have a larger area to play in without the threat of injury. You can use them in your living room, the children's room, kitchen or any other interior room. There are also some that can be taken outside for play at the park or beach or when mom and dad want to have a picnic and don't want to worry about the kids getting lost.

Instead of using the same partitions you may have in the rest of your home, consider using infant room dividers to organize their play space. They are very useful when a play date comes over so that both moms can relax and enjoy some grown-up conversation. In many cases these are freestanding dividers that are portable. They can be used in the interior of a specific room to keep the children corralled. There are a wide assortment of materials that is used in their constructions such as plastic, wood, cloth and even some that are made of vinyl. Each one offers a different version of safety for your children.

Some parents are using infant room dividers as a replacement for their child's playpen. Some playpens are on wheels and will be seen sliding across a tile or hardwood floor from a toddler jerking on the side. With infant room dividers you don't have to worry about that. Many of them attach directly to a wall so they can't be moved by anyone but you. Other dividers are on wheels for easy rolling when they are not in use while still others provide shelves for toys and books. There is an endless choice of options to choose from and even more designs.

Some people may think that using pillows to surround a baby are good ideas. Think again folks! Many times a baby will begin crawling before the parent even realizes it. Infant room dividers prevent your baby from surprising you with a crawl into the kitchen or bathroom. These can also provide privacy for parents when they simply need a little peace and quiet. You can sometimes find sound proof dividers that are appropriate for infant dividers as well. These are an excellent choice in a child's room to help absorb the noises of children playing.

There is a wide variety of infant room dividers to choose from. They can be found at many local retailers like Walmart, Home Depot and Lowes as well as online retailers such as Many of these dividers are contemporary in style yet provide you with a modern solution to the problem of child safety. Prices will vary depending on the options you choose. It is not recommended to use a screen style divider for toddlers or infant enclosures. These can easily be knocked over and injure the child and break the screen. Remember to set down a budget too.

Replace Your Playpen With Infant Room Dividers

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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Imaginative Play Games, Scenarios, Ideas - Benefits of Pretend Play for Child's Development

!±8± Imaginative Play Games, Scenarios, Ideas - Benefits of Pretend Play for Child's Development

The importance of Imaginative play in child's development cannot be stressed enough. In our modern overly technological society a child's imagination is often paralyzed with fast-moving pictures of a television set or brightly colored 3-D worlds of computer games. Often, parents concentrate on getting their preschoolers school-ready by paying a lot of attention to learning the alphabet and numbers but forgetting how important it is to nurture their child's imagination. A number of psychological studies have shown that pretend play prepares children for life in the real world because during play children learn important life skills like taking turns, sharing responsibility, empathy and many others. So let's see what games we can come up with to foster our children's imagination.

House/Cave/Camping Tent

To set up this game you will need two chairs, one big blanket and a flashlight. You can also use a table instead of the chairs.

If you are in a "Cave" or a "Tent" gather some food supplies and water and prepare for an adventure. Turn off all the lights in the room and leave the flashlight on, search the dark room with the flashlight, can you see any wild animals lurking in the woods? What can you hear? Can you hear the birds and that waterfall nearby? You can even make a pretend fire and toast some real marshmallows over it, yum!!

If you are in a "House" you can invite some friends over (furry animals, dolls), put some pillows and blankets on the floor and have a slumber party!


Cut out the wheel from a cardboard box or use anything round you might find around the house. You can sit on a chair (wind the windows down, take down the roof - it's a convertible after all!) or "drive" around on foot. You can even have a race! Ask mum if she wants a ride!


This game is wonderful as it allows the child to swap places with the parent and become mummy or daddy for a short while. You can play it with a doll or mum and dad can play the role of the child for a change. Notice how your child behaves during this game, it will be fascinating to hear what they say and see what they do, how they discipline or reward you - it will be like looking at yourself in the mirror because they, of course, will be mimicking what you do and how you behave on a daily basis. Great for building self-esteem and awareness of self and others.


Anything in the house can become a boat or a ship with a little bit of imagination. You can turn two chairs pushed together, a couch or even a bed into a boat or a ship. Get all the passengers on board (do they all have their tickets?) and don't forget your supplies. Take some fishing rods and a bucket with you so you can do some fishing (make fishing rods out of thin tree branches and some rope or wool thread).

If you want something different on your next trip, a boat can become a train or even an airplane.

Doctor's Office

Those toy doctor's kits are excellent for pretend play but even if you don't have one you can collect some household objects to play this game. For example, a pen and pad to write out prescriptions, a plastic syringe to administer medicine or even give those ouchy shots, a small jar of jelly beans in case a patient has a headache or a belly ache and needs a pill, stretchy bandages to tape those serious wounds and band-aids for small cuts. In the absence of a toy stethoscope you can make one out of a simple empty toilet roll by cutting one open, rolling it into a thinner tube and gluing it back together - you can use it as a stethoscope or to check out the ears and the throat.


You will need a shopping bag, a wallet with some coins in it, groceries, like a bag of pasta shapes, some apples and bananas, a can of peas and a box of cookies and a cash register made out of a shoe box or any other useful box you can find around the house. Take turns being a shopkeeper and a shopper. If you want your child to learn some math and counting along the way, you can make some pretend paper money out of paper, make sure the numbers on your pretend paper bills are large and clear. Make price labels on all the groceries in the shop and try to pay correct money for everything and give the right change. Make a shopping list so you can check things off the list when you put them in your shopping bag.


For this fun and exciting game you will need pots, pans and other cooking utensils. Other things that might help are grains like rice, lentils or dry beans, pasta shapes and even cereal like cheerios. Put the ingredients into the pot, add salt and pepper, stir. When the meal is ready, get some plates out and invite friends for dinner.

Helping mum or dad with real cooking is also lots of fun, like beating the eggs for an omelette or tearing up lettuce for a salad.


Lots of old clothes is, of course, what's needed for this game - anything from skirts and shoes to hats and bags. But the best way to play is to pick a theme and dress accordingly. "Kings and Queens" is a fun theme to dress up for but you will need to make your own crowns and capes. The best thing about this game is that you can use as much dress jewellery as you have lying around the house.

Birthday Party

A pretend Birthday cake and party food can be made from play-doh and you can even use real candles with it. Invite all the stuffed furry animals and all the dolls that live at your house to your party, perhaps even some real friends can come if they are visiting at the time. To make the party more fun you can have a disco afterwards - turn some music on and dance together.

In the park

The park provides so many opportunities to play creatively and imaginatively. Use anything you might find - sticks, stones, dry leaves. You can make little houses out of everything you find, you can even play the shopping or the cooking game - sticks, dry leaves, grass and little flowers make perfect ingredients for a yummy soup.

There are as many of these games as there are objects around you and situations you encounter every day. Eventually, when your child knows that you are free and open to pretend and be anything they like they will suggest their own ideas, like pretending to be butterflies or horses, for example. Don't be shy, spread your wings and fly, stretch your legs and gallop away!

Imaginative Play Games, Scenarios, Ideas - Benefits of Pretend Play for Child's Development

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Thursday, November 24, 2011

How To Create a Peaceful and Relaxing Zen Bedroom

!±8± How To Create a Peaceful and Relaxing Zen Bedroom

For many of us who live a hectic fast paced lifestyle, coming home to a soothing and relaxing bedroom retreat is a luxury that we can only dream of. These tips will help you create a calming zen bedroom design that will look like you hired a pro.

If you want a relaxing environment, then neutral colors and rich textures are the key. Pick sage green, or tan as a base and go with that. If you like grays you can even use a palette of gray, although this color can be kind of cold. Pick a color that you can use on both the walls and floors as it is desirable to make them the same color. Take your cue from nature and use colors that you might find in a soothing setting outdoors.

You'll want to accent the room with plants, soothing waterfall bowls and candles to complete the look and feel. Perhaps a meditation mat in front of a candle fireplace?

Choose plain furniture for your Zen bedroom - if your current furniture is old and distracting and you don't want to buy new, paint it a neutral color that goes with your color scheme. Think about adding some Japanese paper panels in front of any pieces that detract. If your old furniture just won't suit the room but you are on a limited budget, shop around at your local consignment store for pieces that match. You may have to go every day but sooner or later that perfect set is bound to show up!

You want your Zen bedroom design to have a monochromatic look with different shades of the same color, but you an add some punch with a complimentary accent color which you can spread around in pillows, wall art and vases in a few places around the room (not too much).

The window treatments should be light and flowing - simple sheers in white that flow down to the floor would work. Lighting should be calming and not distracting - something with clean square lines and very simple.

Now if you are thinking your Zen bedroom is going to be looking pretty plain, you can use your bedding to add some interest. You want to keep with a monochromatic look to the bedding, but you can make it stick out by using layers of color that are a subtle shade off and rich quality fabrics. Try some sheets or a comforter that has a design embroidered or embossed in the same color as the fabric. Add interest by using materials with a nice texture - crisp cotton, soft velvet or dupioni silk can add interest and be soothing to the touch and comfy to relax in!

Accents are what make a room unique so your Zen bedroom deserves some relaxing accessories. Not too many though as you want to avoid clutter. How about a soothing tabletop waterfall or some aromatherapy candles? You can buy structures that hold candles in sort of a pyramid and create a faux fireplace with candles as the feature. Or maybe you want a mini Zen garden? Use a small coffee table and put a sand garden with mini rake on top. A shoji screen can work to divide the room or add a nice accent to a corner - you can make them yourself using rice paper and wood.

How To Create a Peaceful and Relaxing Zen Bedroom

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Boss Black LeatherPlus Executive Chair

!±8± Boss Black LeatherPlus Executive Chair

Brand : BOSS | Rate : | Price : $149.99
Post Date : Nov 20, 2011 23:56:20 | Usually ships in 24 hours

NTR - No tools required for assembly. Beautifully upholstered with LeatherPlus. Pneumatic gas lift seat height adjustment. LeatherPlus is leather that is polyurethane infused for added softness and durability. Waterfall seat design eliminates leg fatigue. Ergonomic back design with lumbar support. Upright locking position. Adjustable tilt tension. Assembly required. Dimensions: Arm Height: 27.5-inch - 31-inch, Seat Size: 21-inch W X 19.5-inch D, Seat Height: 20-inch - 23.5-inch H, Overall size: 26.5-inch W X 28-inch D X 45-inch - 48.5-inch H. Assembly instructions also available at

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Monday, November 14, 2011

How to Set Up a Homestay Student's Room Before Their Arrival

!±8± How to Set Up a Homestay Student's Room Before Their Arrival

When starting a Homestay most ESL schools will ask you to setup your Homestay Student's room to be comfortable. How do you define comfortable without breaking the bank?

Another thing to be concerned about is how to make the room compliment the rest of your decor in the home. I live in a condo with 2 bedrooms and most of the decor within the suite is fairly modern. If I were to design the students room the same way it would surely cost a fair bit and my concern was that the student may not respect the furniture as much as I would.

Items needed to furnish Student's room

After speaking to other homestay families and friends I managed to come up with a comprehensive list of items that are a basic-must in any ESL Student's homestay room:

Bed and mattress Pillow Bedsheets Lamp A plant Glass Top Table Chair Cloth hangars Laundry bag Curtains A Power cord Wall art

Some of these items may seem questionable but allow me to explain. I've chosen to go with a glass top table because I want to open up the room. Condos in downtown Toronto are fairly small and this became a requirement. My cost for the glass table was Body (read on).

A laundry bag is important so that the student has a place to put their clothes into rather than all over the floor. It also minimizes the number of times laundry is done per week. In my household we do laundry only once a week.

Finally a power cord is crucial as most students now days are traveling with laptops, wireless routers, voip phones and other electronics.

Where to get items?

Here are some ideas on where to get the above items to make your International ESL Student's Homestay room a comfortable one.

Family and Friends

This is always my first stop. I usually send out a quick email to family and friends and tell them about any furniture I am looking for and that if they were planning on throwing it away or willing to sell on the cheap that i would take it. This is how I found my glass top table for Body.

Garage Sales

My next stop would be Garage sales where there are amazing deals to be found usually in great condition. Going on a garage sale mission can be both fun and rewarding when you find that great piece and use your negotiating skills to bring it down to a price you can boast to your friends about.


My final stop will be to the local Ikea store. Items in Ikea are very affordable but I usually find that the quality lacks. Your students room is going to have lots of wear and tear and I find that the products usually don't hold up past a few months. When shopping here purchase items that don't require the student to sit or sleep on. You can get some real fashionable table lamps here as well wall art.

With the above items your students room can be furnished for about 0 and last for a few years. Your student will appreciate the effort and will feel more at ease in a new environment.

How to Set Up a Homestay Student's Room Before Their Arrival

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Friday, November 11, 2011

Sleep Better 3-Inch Visco Elastic Memory Foam Mattress Topper, Full

!±8±Sleep Better 3-Inch Visco Elastic Memory Foam Mattress Topper, Full

Brand : Sleep Better
Rate :
Price : $118.99
Post Date : Nov 11, 2011 15:00:31
Usually ships in 24 hours

Representing the next generation in mattress toppers, Sleep Better visco-elastic memory foam reduces nighttime tossing and turning to provide a better night sleep. The innovative, hypo-allergenic material takes its cues from the bodys shape--adjusting and contouring to any form. The resulting customized fit distributes weight more evenly and relieves pressure points. It allows for better blood flow so the body makes fewer adjustments in search of a more comfortable position. And to top it off, the temperature-smart, open-cell foam breathes freely to facilitate air circulation and keep things cool.

The pad measures 51 by 72 by 3 inches and covers the entire surface of a full mattress. It carries a density of 2-1/2 pounds per cubic foot. Thanks to its therapeutic features, it benefits the bed-confined and is frequently used in hospitals. It is also great for pregnant women, the elderly, and anyone who needs a good night rest. Spot cleaning with warm water and a little soap removes most stains. This product is made in the USA and comes backed by a 5-year warranty.

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